Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Confidence boost

I really have to thank Ben for being sure a great lecturer! His method really works for me. I really can understand those that I once did not. I also thank those who prayed for me especially for better understanding of the subjects. God is good! I'm thankful!

F2 and F3 revision classes really boost my confidence in these two papers. At least I know that chances of me passing these two papers are much higher. I want to do exceptionally well for these two papers - Management Accounting and Financial Accounting. I hope that this boost of confidence will allow me to relocate the passion for accounting (do I actually have a passion for accounts?). I still love numbers!

I was talking an old friend from secondary school. He choose dream and passion over money and practicality! I probably will never have the guts to choose my dream over money! Haha. I salute him yet on the other hand I can only shake my head. I just don't understand 'cos I will not be able to survive if I'd choose dream over $$$. This world is practical! Dreams are somehow only meant to stay in dreamland. That's my opinion!

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