Tuesday, July 8, 2008

F3 Financial Accounting Lecture

All these while, I have always liked Financial Accounting. Haha.. And I'm still loving it. But somehow, this afternoon's lecture really hypnotised me! Not sure if it's because of my oats lunch or because I woke up too late - noon. Eye lids were extremely heavy today. -_- zzz

Oh well...... FA is fun! T-accounts.. Debit and credit.. ALICE.. Balance sheet.. Trading, Profit and Loss Account.. Fun!! =) I guess I made the right choice. Accounting and Finance is my cup of tea. Or rather, numbers are my best friends. Kudos my friends!

Sitting in the auditorium for 4 long hours is crazy! Butt ache. Haha.. Well.... It's the time to stretch my concentration span. It has been a long while since I can be focus on one thing for such a long period of time. My concentration span used to be superb! Now I have to re-learn the skill of concentration!

I'm feeling rather sleepy now especially after dinner.. Yawn..

-_- zzz

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