Monday, July 7, 2008

Too ambitious?

Taking 4 papers at one go. Is it realistic? Or is it too tough to do it? Taking F2 and F5 together... Will that be too risky?! F2 Management Accounting is the foundation of F5 Performance Management. F5 lectures are on Thursday nights while F2 lectures will only be on Friday nights. Taking F5 before F2....... Having no prior or rather limited knowledge about management accounting, and jumping straight into taking performance management...... Is it a great risk to take? Reading into F5 study text, I realised that I really need foundations and some knowledge of F2 before being able to fully understand F5. However, looking at the brighter side of things, if I were to master F5, F2 will be smooth sailing for me. Since young, I'm told that I should take one step at a time, building my foundations strong. All these years I have been doing so and life is quite stable. Haha... Now I'm trying to speed things up. I lost some time to UOL and I want to graduate fast. I'll take up the risk and soar like an eagle! I cannot lose! I do not want to lose either! I am a winner!! I desire to excel......

Now looking at apportionment in absorption costing, I have to refer back to F2 study text. But it's driving me crazy. Haha.. I can't seem to catch the point. Don't know how the answer is derived. I'm feeling so separated from studying after so long in the working world. Haha... It's so difficult to sit down the whole day to be focus and study. Even if I try, I can't sit for long. Hee Hee.. Getting restless........ Apportionment is so confusing... ~or maybe I am just confusing myself. Let's hope it's not that difficult to understand. I heard F5 is a very difficult paper to do (from people who already did both F2 and F5). And here I am trying to be very smart, doing both F2 and F5 together. Haha... TOGETHER I mean... I need wisdom. I need grace. I need mercy.

Looking forward to understanding F5 and mastering it. I am targeting to finish the fundamental papers (F2-F9: exempted from F1) by June 2009 so that I can start with the professional papers (at least P1&P2) before ACCA changes the system. Then CPA here I come! Certified Public Accountant sounds cool yea! ;)

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