Saturday, July 12, 2008

More friends for me

Well.. Well.. Well.. Law.. Another good friend of mine! Since secondary school days I always wanted to study law, wanted to become a lawyer. However, for some reasons, obviously I didn't become one. Haha...

When I was doing my Diploma in Management Studies 2 years back (time flies..), I got to experience what it is like to study law - Business Law. It was a great experience. And I thought that would be the first and last time I will be face to face with law.

Currently, Year 2008, I'm studying law again! Woohoo ~~ Corporate and Business Law, some what similar to Business Law. When I was reading through the study text for F4, I realised that one of my previous textbooks is a recommended reading material for my current module! I really love law. It's so interesting.

Unlike the other study text, F4's does not have the ability to hypnotize me. Haha.. It keeps me really awake, wanting more each moment as I flip through the pages. Smiling to myself, I'm glad I really love law. =) I can imagine those who find law a boring subject.. They probably will be dozing off reading the study text or even, they won't have bothered to open up the book.

I love what I'm doing now. Accounts... Always in touch with numbers and law.. Both of my best friends are with me! How fortunate I am! Envy?!

Making the choice to leave TOUCH is a right one. At least now I can be really focused on my studies. I can spend the whole day just reading the study texts for all four papers, resting when I'm hypnotized by them, and most importantly, getting back all my well-deserved sleep, after more than 10 months of insomnia!!

Tackling 4 papers... I can do it right the first time! And I want to.. Suffering the 'heart attack' for examinations once is more than enough! Stress... Healthier stress compared to working life. Haha.. More relaxed now. And I'm extremely glad!

Time to go back to my books. Consistency pays well......... =)

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