Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Going back to work and updates of school life

I'm going back to TCS next Monday (mainly to help them tide through this extremely busy aka shorthanded period).... I really hope that I can be of good help to them and ease their load since they are really busy. But on the other hand, I would want to be discipline enough to work hard on my studies since I am not very strong in them now. ACCA is really tough to pass with good grades. Hopefully this time round, I can learn more things related to my studies while working. =)

I have been quite "up-to-date" with regards to F5 Performance Management, adding all lectures, going for tutorials, doing homework (though I don't really know what I was writing about) and revising every lecture after lessons. I hope I'm on the right track. I'm not so worried about my other modules like Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Corporate and Business Law. The most worrying one is Performance Management. It's quite scary! I was doing my tutorial homework last night (it actually eased my headache that I was having since morning) and I thought to myself, I'd better buck up and practise more questions. For that 30 marks, 3 parts question, I used about 3 hours to finish writing about 6-7 pages with some diagrams. 3 hours!!! I only have 3 hours in my exam in December to complete 4 questions! Argh!!! =( Even with the guidance notes that my lecturer gave, I can't really expand much especially in the last part of the question which carries the highest weightage of 12 marks. I had my notes and everything with me. Though I managed to write more than 5 pages (which was required by lecturer), most of them were merely copied from the notes. I felt really bad, not knowing how to write and expand on the answers with my own knowledge. This probably is a sign that I really don't know my stuff well enough!

Hmm... Back to the topic on 'Going back to work'.... I'm actually excited! Haha... Having stopped work for about 2 months plus, I feel excited going back! Hee hee... I've been very free these 2 months. Free to the extend that I sleep so much that I no longer want to sleep. These 2 months gave me the same kind of feeling that I had when I was at home the last time doing nothing - I can't remember when that was. I actually feel rather useless! Haha... Maybe I'm still the kind whereby I prefer to be busy like crazy than have absolutely nothing to do! Weird erh?! No sense of achievement I guess.. Wahaha! But soon probably you will hear me complaining again! Haiz.... Why are people so fickle minded?! LOL!!!

I think it's an issue between have and don't have! When you don't have it, you want it! But when you get what you want, you longer treasure it! That's human nature ba!

Hmmm..... School life.... Recently... Cool... But you know, it's not that kind of normal school life where most of the time is spent in campus... So it's a little different from what uni students actually experience. For my case, it's slightly different. I don't have to start in school for long hours, at most 4-5 hours.... Merely for lectures and tutorials! And not all papers have tutorials. I can choose which to go for. Haha... Probably the normal uni students will envy this point while I yearn to study in a local university! This is a dream that hasn't been fufilled so far and maybe it will never be?! Who knows..... God does! =) I made some new classmates while trying hard to survive in F5 class. And this is a class that knowing people is very important! Haha.. Why?! Simply 'cos if you can't be in class early, you need them to 'chop' seat for you! [JOKING] It's actually because sometimes the lecturer can be too fast or too 'chim'! Hee hee... (know my struggle now?) But honestly speaking, for F5, lecture starts at 6:45pm on Thursday! But by 6:20 more than half of the classroom is filled! If you want to get a good seat where you can see both the lecturer and the screen clearly, you really have to be there by 6:00pm latest! Haha... That's what I observed!

The rest of the lectures..... F2-F4.... I shall not comment! Nothing positive..... There's one particular one that is really disappointing.... =D

Time for bed!! Need to tune back my sleeping pattern before I start work again on Monday....

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sleepless night

Just few hours after my last post. I can't sleep after the slaughtering session with F5 questions... Even F4 can't go into my head. Feeling so sleepy now..... But can't sleep.... It's already almost 9 hours since I stopped F5... Number and budget war going on still... I wish for Brain Peace! =)

After I stopped working, this is the first time I cannot go into dreamland.. F5 is really scary..... When I'm working, at least I can sleep 2-3 hours. But now.. I probably did not even fall asleep for an hour. Sad yeah!

Have F2 class later in the evening... Let's hope it's exciting enough to keep me awake throughout! Haha... I doubt so!!! Most likely I'll grab the notes, sit in till break time and head home. I just need the notes actually.....

Planning to read my F4 then F3 and lastly F2..... This will be my weekend this week... Hopefully I can be focus and concentrate.... No DVDs... No TV Programmes... Just music and notes... >_< Hmm... I'm actually considering between the Paper-based and Computer-based exams for F2 and F3. However.... I think that Paper-based is safer although it takes longer to get my results. Haiz.... Paper-based... If I have not enough time to finish (hope not), I have 1/4 chance to get the question correct even if I play the 'guessing' game. CBE... 2 marks open-ended questions (unknown number of questions)... Either I know it and get 2 marks or I don't get any if I have no time. Haiz.......

The paper-based exams are as follow:

2 December F4 Corporate and Business Law

3 December F3 Financial Accounting (MCQ)

5 December F2 Management Accounting (MCQ)

8 Decemebr F5 Performance Management

    This schedule should not be a problem yeah?! Otherwise, I think the CBEs for F2 and F3 will be in the second week of December and I might not get the seat.. Nobody knows....

    Whatever it is...... By the grace of Jesus!

    F5 Performance Management aka The Killer

    It's starting to kill me! Woah! Budget..... I spent 3 hours or more to redo the two questions that were discussed during lecture (I did not manage to finish copying the answers and had some blanks here and there). That's why I wanted to do the questions again. 3 hours...... Exam how??!! D.I.E. Confirm pronounce dead!

    Finally got a taste of the killer paper after 3 weeks...... And there's more to come...

    Okok... Back to the topic... Budgeting... It's a very important topic! Need to master it by hook or by crook! Sales budget is alright. Production budget... Hmmm... Depends... The other budgets.... I have completely no idea how to do them! I prefer the master budgets.... P&L, Balance Sheet and Cash budget... How nice if all the figures are given and I only have to do up the Master Budgets.... Haha... Dream on Sherry!

    Tried the homework question... I know (a)(i) & maybe (ii) ONLY!! And I'm not sure if it's correct. So dead...... Sobsob....

    Let's get this into the head:
    Production = Sales + Closing stock of finished goods - Opening stock
    Purchases = Usage + Closing stock of raw materials - Opening stock

    My brain is having a numbers war now.... 1234567890.... 0987654321.... 1234567890.... Enough of F5 for today....

    Let's go for a break.... F4 sounds better yeah!

    ~ tata