Monday, September 1, 2008

Fear Factor

Here's my exam timetable. It's comfirmed! =) =( =) =(

2 Dec 08 F4 Corporate and Business Law 3pm-6pm (3-hour paper)
3 Dec 08 F3 Financial Accounting 3pm-5pm (2-hour paper)
5 Dec 08 F2 Management Accounting 3pm-5pm (2-hour paper)
8 Dec 08 F5 Performance Management 3pm-6pm (3-hour paper)

Please pray for discipline to revise even way before hand (which like starting from now). And since I'm back working, I really have to be focus enough especially on weekends to study and revise! If not I really don't think I can pass my December exams. All my four examiners are "inhuman" as told by my lecturers and especially F5, it's known as "the Killer paper" which only 28% passes WORLDWIDE! And pray for 'easier' exam questions this time round. Haha... If anyone would like to study with me during weekends, PLEASE do so and I'll really appreciate it very much..... Heehee... I want to get over and done with my 4 papers all at one go! It will be a great encouragement to me if I can do so. =)

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